Friday, April 27, 2018
On the show…
Louis B Hobson reviews the movie Avengers: Infinity War
Headline of the Day
Does this adorable eight-month-old baby really work for the government of the United Arab Emirates?
Bondage class prompts domestic abuse false alarm
Mark Zuckerberg says… it’s easier for artificial intelligence to detect nipples than hate speech
Google to replace Play Music with new streaming service YouTube Remix
The NFL is streaming Thursday night games on Amazon again
Huawei is reportedly working on a voice assistant with emotion
Here’s why you’ve been getting so many privacy policy and terms of service updates lately
This company wants to replace braille with a controversial new font
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Chicago ban on ice cream trucks melts away after 45 years
Movie Theater Plays Horror Film ‘Hereditary’ Trailer Before ‘Peter Rabbit’
Paramedics’ ‘poop it out’ advice over swallowed battery may cost city $475G